Jimmy Wray has signed EDM466. Motion reads: "That this House notes that the European Union has given approval to Turkey to enter into discussions as to possible membership of the European Union; is aware that the United Kingdom is a strong supporter of Turkey's membership of the European Union; further notes that the United Kingdom is one of the guarantor powers for the Island of Cyprus and that Cyprus is a member of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; and calls on the British Government to work closely with, and to respect, the rights of the Republic of Cyprus and its democratically elected President, Mr Tassos Papadopoulos, to safeguard the interests of Cyprus in the forthcoming discussions on Turkey's possible membership of the European Union and to make very clear to Turkey that it is in its own best interest to recognise fully, and quickly, the existence of the Republic of Cyprus, which is already a full member of the European Union, and to clearly work for the normalisation of its relationship with the Republic of Cyprus and fulfil, as soon as possible, its obligations towards Cyprus as stated in the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 17th December 2004 with regard to signing the protocol regarding the adaptation of the Ankara Agreement, taking account of the accession of the 10 new member states and to resolve the issues of Cyprus in which it can and should play a role."